Randy Knutson



Randy lives in Southern California with Karin, his wife of 36 years.  Karin is a career teacher, charter school headmaster and mentor teacher. Randy and Karin have three sons, Adam, Alex and Austin, and one daughter, Katy.

Randy has a M-Div. from Northern American Baptist Seminary, Edmonton, Canada and Sioux Falls, SD.  He has 40 years of pastoral ministry service and has planted four churches. He served in a variety of roles such as Design Team Coordinator for Disciple Making Ministries with Bill Hull  in San Diego, CA; Church Planting Coordinator in assessment, placement, and coaching for the Vineyard USA, and 30 years coaching churches with Church Resource Ministries (CRM).  Randy also works with his wife alongside Advancing Leaders International (ALI) training teachers in Third World countries through education and coaching.

Randy’s deepest passion continues to be discipling men to discover God’s love through smaller small groups that multiply new groups or churches.

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