Our History

Randy Knutson with KidsCRM was founded in 1980 by a small group of men and women highly committed to reaching those far from God through discipleship, coaching and training—that characterized organizations like the Navigators but for and through the church. They were convinced that new expressions and forms of the local church were needed if those far from God were to have any hope of moving toward a relationship with Jesus.

Randy Knutson was part of CRM’s early staff who were driven by the needs they saw in the North American Church for new expression of church planting and disciple making. Today CRM has over 511 CRM missionaries live or serve in more than 80 countries around the world. Randy and his staff have served the past 30 years in four denominational roles in training church planters, leadership development and education.

In 2011 Engage-CRM was launched and invited by Advancing Leaders International  to Africa to use their expertise in developing Christian leaders in Third World countries through education, discipleship and mentoring. Our focus started with head masters and their teaching staff in developing model schools with emphasis on critical thinking and dialogue learning in their classrooms. Those schools were hosted by denominations and were the product of rote learning. Engage has since been asked by denominational leaders to coach and train of their pastors in Mozambique, Cameroon, and Kenya.